Hybrid Learning Expectations

  • Teachers will continue to post lesson resources, assignments, and videos online for students to access through Microsoft Teams so that all students have access to them whether in-person or distance learning on a given day.
  • Students are expected to actively participate in learning activities each class period and complete/turn in the assignments by the due dates given.
  • Grades will be entered into the gradebook based on the teacher’s assessment of work and additional feedback, when appropriate, will be provided to students.  Grades are cumulative for the semester.
  • DFAs and other assessments will be given and counted in the grade.
  • Students can check grades through their StudentVue account; parents can check grades through ParentVue.
  • The district calendar will be followed as far as start and end dates to semesters, holiday breaks, and full day teacher in-service dates.
  • The Wednesday schedule, which during hybrid stage will be distance learning, will bring back late start to allow for Professional Learning Community (PLC) work and deep cleaning of campuses.
  • If a student is feeling overwhelmed or confused by the work, or there is an extenuating circumstance affecting the student’s ability to participate in school at a given time, the student needs to be in communication with the teacher and ask for additional assistance, tutoring, etc.
  • School Counselors, GEAR Up Coaches, Mental Health Counselors, Psychologists, and Administrators are available for students and parents to contact if concerns cannot be resolved by a classroom teacher.
  • State standardized testing (including AzM2, field testing for the Science assessment, and ACT) will be given based on directives from the AZ State Department of Education.
  • For students who have established the need, On-Site Support Services will continue to be available.  Students using On-Site Support Services will attend in-person classes on their designated two days per week (either Monday/Thursday or Tuesday/Friday).  The other three days of the week, the student will participate in Distance Learning from the On-Site Support area.